Monday, March 26, 2012

45 Days and Counting!

St Peter's Square! (Right where we'll be living for a month)
And so it begins! We've started our 8 week course preparing for our trip from Harrisonburg, VA to Roma, Italia! It's starting to sink in that in about two months I'll be out of the country for the first time, surrounded by people who don't speak English for the first time, and surrounded by the birthplace of pizza. It's a lot to handle. I'll try to keep the blog updated with all of my adventures, as of now that includes going shopping for European looking clothing, comfy shoes, and Italian to English dictionaries.

We'll be staying at the Residence San Pietro about 100 meters south of St. Peter's Square. Basically smack dab in the middle of the city! We'll walk to Marymount International School in Rome Monday through Thursday where we'll be assisting elementary school classrooms. We have the opportunity to work with students not just from Rome but from all over the world in this school. I have had the opportunity to student teach in Hburg but most of those kids had very southern accents...I can't wait to hear the melting pot of linguistics awaiting me!

I'll try and keep this blog updated but I'll probably be too busy riding the back of a handsome Italian man's vespa...Lizzie McGuire how I envy you.

Ciao bella!

"Hey Now"! Save some room for me!